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Research Articles
Mets: Everything you always wanted to know but were afraid
to ask . Plus: What mortality rate really means.
Aerobic Exercise Vs High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):
Which is best for your health and weight loss. The shocking
truth behind the lay press headlines. An in depth analysis.
How much cardio exercise do you need for maximum health
benefits? What the science says. Two different types of studies
yield somewhat different conclusions and the optimal intensity
is different for men and women.
What long term studies say about weight training and muscle
gains. The studies that the muscle mags and fitness industry
don’t want you to see.
Is losing weight as simple as calories in calories out?
PLUS: the most important physiological response to diet &
exercise that no one ever heard of: NEAT (nonexercise activity
thermogenesis). After you read this you’ll understand why you
stop losing weight even though you’re continuing to diet and
Which is better at reducing fat
Weight training or Aerobics? It’s no contest!
Is it better to be fit & fat or unfit & thin? Two studies provide
the surprising answers
Weight Training vs Aerobics vs Both:
Effect on Men’s & Women’s Mortality Rate
The Ultimate Fitness Machine
Which Indoor cardio machines are the best calorie
burners, what the studies say
Exercise Responders & Nonresponders: A better way to
look at the effect that exercise has on weight loss
Upcoming Articles
The optimum number of times a week to train a muscle: What
research studies says.
Diet vs cardio vs weight resistance: Which is best for weight
loss? What the research says.
Heart rate training: Which is the best training zone to train in
for overall health?
Don’t believe the headlines. How research studies conclusions
are often misquoted by the lay press and why you should
always read the study they are referring to.
My review and opinion of of my DNA Fit test. Can the test tell
you what exercises best suits your genetics? The answer is
Examining the different ways to determine your healthy weight
Examining the different ways to determine your maximum
heart rate.
What the science says about protein supplements and muscle
mass gains.
Are we getting enough sunshine? The surprising epidemic of
low vitamin D caused by sunscreens and lack of time outdoors
and the implications to our health.
Battle of the workout calorie counters. Comparing the
ellipitical machine calories burned computer to the polar beat,
an online calculator, and a heart rate app to my actual calories
burned with a vo2 max test. There were large variations in
each, find out which is the most accurate.
In depth,
research backed ,
fitness information
In depth,
research backed ,
fitness information
Where fitness facts
meet fitness fakes